Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Get That Babysitter's Number!

Now that I’m focusing on being nonjudgmental to all experiences of celebrity motherhood I read about in the world, I’m opening my mind and heart in little ways.
I read a piece in People, Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Go It Alone in New York, and my mind’s first reactions was to say, Oh no! Why are they in the news again? Is she pregnant again?
But the great news is that I caught myself right away. I noticed that there are certain Celebrity Momsters who just trigger my inner better-than-thou voice. And I recognize this is a reaction that will hopefully lessen with time.
So I decided to read about the Duggars with an open mind.
They’re in New York City on their own. And I realized I can learn a lesson from these parents—if they can find enough help and alone time to go to New York City without their kids, then I should be able to put together a date night every once in awhile with my husband…

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