Friday, April 13, 2012

Melissa Rycroft Shares Her Postpartum Depression Struggle

It’s helpful for all mothers when Celebrity Momsters open up in interviews about dealing with postpartum depression.

Reality TV star Melissa Rycroft opens up about being diagnosed with postpartum depression following the birth of her daughter Ava in 2011 and how struggling with its emotionally crippling effects made her question her mothering abilities. 

I suffered from ppd after my first child, but I had no mommy-friends at the time and was quite isolated so I did not recognize the signs.

The more information and reality that is presented to new mothers unfamiliar with postpartum depression the better.

“Almost immediately I didn’t feel right,” Rycroft says. “I had just given birth to this perfect baby, but absolutely nothing made me happy anymore. I had no idea what was wrong. I had these great blessings, but I felt empty. I’d put Ava in her crib and go outside and scream for a minute.”

It can be such a scary feeling to be so depressed when you think you are supposed to be at your happiest. There’s no shame or guilt in admitting to need help. 

Of course, depression at any point of one’s life should be dealt with as soon as it is recognized.

This mommying stuff is tough work!

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