Friday, April 6, 2012

Nadya Suleman, Octomom, Accepting Assistance Should Cause No Shame

MSNBC’s Today Moms has an interview with Octomom, Nadya Suleman, where she addresses the issue that she swore she would never go on food stamps, but apparently she had to a few months ago because of her finances.
Suleman explains that she did not want to go on assistance, but her children’s welfare was more important than her pride.
I feel saddened that Suleman is in a position where she feels ashamed.
Regardless of what people think of her choice and method to have such a large family, the reality is that she has fourteen children to feed and care for. There should be no shame in needing to ask for assistance.
“Backstage, Suleman said she's learned not to care what other people say about her, though she realizes many have an opinion."I don't ever, ever Google myself," she said. "I'm the wrong person to harass, to use as a bad example. I should actually be perceived as an inspiration to women, for having gone what I've been through and being sane."”
I think it’s brave of Suleman to admit what she sees as her failings and to recognize she has made some mistakes. But it seems as though she really is putting her children first while at the same time respecting her own self and needs.
"I have huge dreams, and I'm not letting them go."
For a woman who has been through so much and weathered so much negativity from the press and the public, I think there is much we can learn from her perseverance.

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